Tuesday, May 5, 2020

Embezzlement Essay Research Paper Mac Taylor free essay sample

Embezzlement Essay, Research Paper Mac Taylor # 8217 ; s Embezzlement and Due Process Rights Mac Taylor is employed by American National Bank located in Bowling Green, Kentucky. He has been arrested for the peculation of $ 50,000 from his occupation. Embezzlement is where person steals money from their topographic point of work for their personal benefit. There are several legal processs that must be followed by jurisprudence enforcement and tribunal functionaries. First, the constabulary must hold likely cause to acquire a hunt warrant. It foremost must be issued and signed by the justice. If there is non a warrant issued or they do non seek in the specified topographic points so the grounds will be considered inadmissible, because it was illicitly obtained. This is all because of the Exclusionary Rule. When arrested they must inform Mr. Taylor of the charges against him and read him his rights, besides known as the Miranda Warnings. These rights are guaranteed in the 4th and 5th amendments. We will write a custom essay sample on Embezzlement Essay Research Paper Mac Taylor or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Then he must be indicted by a expansive jury before they hold a test. If he was found to be the accused so Mr. Tay lor would be guaranteed to a rapid public test. Sometimes, tests are non ever speedy because there normally are crowded tribunal dockets and the defence lawyer uses it as a defence scheme. In the test Taylor must be tried by an impartial jury of equals. Mr. Taylor can non be forced to attest against himself on the evidences of the 5th amendment. However, he will be able to confront informants and hold his ain, besides. Because of the 6th amendment he will hold to be tried in Bowling Green because that is where the offense was committed. If convicted of the peculation charges there shall be no inordinate bond. This means the bond must suit the offense non be outrageously impossible to wage if it was a minor instance. He besides may endure no cruel and unusual penalty. But, if Mac Taylor is found guiltless and later the constabularies are to happen the amount of $ 50,000 he can non be tried for the same offense, which is known as dual hazard. But because of the 5th amendment this can non go on. As you can see there are many legal processs a individual must travel through earlier he is arrested, indicted, or convicted.

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