Saturday, May 16, 2020

Respect For My Religion Essay - 803 Words

Your respect for my religion is my example. I. As I stated in Unit 4 s Written Assignment, assuming that a specific behavior could be the key to a change, it s evident that our actions and interactions are fundamental to set the example in front of others. (Orlando, 2017, pt.1). We live in a multicultural and multireligious world. We daily run into delicate situations which can make us slip in misunderstanding, contentions, and worse. For these reasons, mutual respect is mandatory, always. Whenever one shows respect for other s religious creed, for example, it sets a model for the people involved, as well as it improves everyone s maturity. It s a generic rule that fits perfectly in the situation I m living. I m in an International†¦show more content†¦It may happen to make a mistake, to say a word too, but letting our own ego aside, admitting we had wrong and apologizing, we can enrich our background by meeting different thoughts. It could start a constructive and proactive discussion that makes us unexpectedly grow. It s scientifically and psychologically true that the shared environment has a very small effect on intellectual development and supports the position that individuals respond to environments in ways consistent with their genetic predispositions (Segal, 1997, p. 381). Although, as new trends spread rapidly among young people with different genetic heritage, in common environments, also new habits, behaviors, and training of respect can be instilled in young minds. The most important reason to be always respectful towards different religious ideas is that everyone that is present can take a leaf out of your demeanor. It may also happen that instinctively one would bad react toward a phrase, but if I try to lower the tone of the discussion for first, surely someone else will do the same in following. III. In conclusion, although people usually want to change others beliefs, we should not forget to be respectful toward every religious idea for two main reasons. First, being humble one can stand different cultures and grow internally as a person. But most importantly, a kind education can make us live together in peace and,Show MoreRelatedHinduism and Buddhism976 Words   |  4 PagesHinduism are two of the world’s most influential and greatest religions. Buddhism is a religion based on the teachings of the awakened one (Abrams), and Hinduism is the oldest of the world’s greatest religions (Rice). Both of these religions arose in South Asia, thus they share similar culture and philosophy; however, they also contrast greatly with each other in many other aspects. 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